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Swap allows snAssets to be swapped with wAssets immediately without going through the lockup period, which implemented is as follows:

  1. Send snATOMs to swap.
  2. Receive automatically calculated wATOMs according to the predefined curve.

Also, liquidity providers can earn fees from swaps; It will be the first use case of snAssets.

The swap was implemented through CosmWasm smart contract on Supernova. Therefore, the swap can actively communicate with other user-developed contracts, such as a router, aggregator, etc.

Stable Swap ➡️ Staked Swap

Supernova has a stable swap with the variable A initially set to 1 to operate like CPMM but adjustable.

However, shadow tokens do not have the same value as original tokens because:

  • Holders are able to skip undelegation period via swap
  • Related DeFi (collateral et al.)
  • Supernova’s credibility

Therefore, using the CPMM stable swap for swapping staked Assets and original ones can sometimes be unsuitable.

The pool will leverage the CPMM method for the time being. However, Supernova team will upgrade the swap to Staked swap once the development is finished.